y:Üen:v:es:ýXi Aaôf em:eS:g:n:

em:z:aü As:d ull:ah Q:an: ^:ael:b: '
^:z:l:  in -AaO

                                          n:Økt:ac:in:fault-finding; hard to please,  ^:m:-O-edl:heart's sorrow, longing us:kað s:Øn:aO(even if you try)
 telling n: b:n:ð
                        Vy:a b:n:ð b:at:get one's
 way j:haú b:at:
b:n:aOtalking; expressing (one's desires) n: b:n:ð ?     . .  1 . .

                        m:òø b:Øl:at:a t:aðcall, invite hÜú us:kað m:g:r,  Oð j:zb:a-O-edl:desire in (my) heart !
                        us:p:ð b:n: j:aO kÙC Oðs:i ek eb:n: Aay:ð n: b:n:ðcan't help but come     . .  2 . .

                        K:ðl:a (mere) game s:m:J:a hò,  khiøI only hope Cað_leave off, quit n: dð,  B:Ül: n: j:aO
                        kaS:if only y:aðøthis way, like this B:ieven hað ek eb:n: m:ðrð s:t:ay:ðtormenting me n: b:n:ð     . .  3 . .

                        ^:òrwrong one; here: rival ePrt:agoing around hò el:y:ðholding; with y:aðøin such a way t:ðrð Q:t:letter kað ek Ag:r
                        kaðI p:ÜCðshould
 ask ek y:h Vy:a hò t:að eCp:aOhiding, concealing n: b:n:ð     . .  4 . .

                        Es: n:z:akt:delicateness ka b:Ørabad haðbe ruined v:h B:l:ð hòø t:að Vy:a
                        haT: Aav:ðøget hold of t:að unhðø haT: l:g:ay:ðlaying hands on, touching n: b:n:ð     . .  5 . .

                        kh s:kñ kaòn: ek y:h j:lv:ag:riglory; brilliance; beauty eks:ki hò ?
                        p:daüveil, curtain Cað_alet down hò v:h us:n:ð ek uYaOlifting n: b:n:ð     . .  6 . .

                        m:aòt:death ki rahway, road n: dðK:Üúkeep an eye out for, wait for ekhere: since eb:n: Aay:ð n: rhðIt's bound to come
                        t:Øm:kað c:ahÜúshould I want you ek n: AaAaðand you
 don't come t:að b:Øl:aOinviting n: b:n:ðI can't bring myself to invite you
 because even if I want you to come you won't.     . .  7 . .

                        b:aðJ:burden v:h s:rhead s:ð eg:rafallen hò ek uYay:ðlifting n: uYð
                        kam:task v:h Aan: p:_a hòfallen to me ek b:n:ay:ðcarrying it out n: b:n:ð     . .  8 . .

                        ESqlove p:r z:aðrforcing n:hiø.  hò y:h v:h Aaet:S:fire,  ' ^:ael:b: '
                        ek l:g:aOsetting, kindling n: l:g:ð Aaòr b:ØJ:ay:ðextinguishing, putting out n: b:n:ð     . .  9 . .

To unglossed version of  ^:z:l: in -AaO

To index of poetry.

To index of  m:lhar.

Keyed in and posted 19 Oct 2001. Linked 20-21 Oct 2001. Corrected 22 & 29 Oct 2001.

Thanks to Frances Pritchett for emendations.